The internationalisation and external visibility strategy of SINAI and ADItech as its coordinator depends on external collaboration with strategic partners in the field of science and technology in and outside Navarre and Europe.




Navarra has been working on circular economy since 2007 with various projects and agendas. Since 2016, the 2030 Agenda for circular economy development in Navarra has been an instrument that is implemented through Challenge 7 of the Smart Specialization Strategy of Navarra (S3).

After the transition to the S4 in 2021, which adds sustainability as a transversal priority to the Strategy, Challenge 7 focuses its efforts and brings all stakeholders together under the umbrella of Navarra Zirkular with the aim of facilitating the ecological transition in Navarra companies.

ADItech has collaborated with Navarra Zirkular since 2023.

The activity of Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica (AECC) focuses on the organisation of seminars, talks, courses and meetings between journalists and scientists with a twofold objective: to address scientific news which can be used by journalists and to establish personal, friendly ties between research and communication professionals with a view to more fruitful collaboration for science and society.
ADItech has collaborated with AECC since 2017.

AMIT is a nationwide, non-governmental, non-profit organisation made up of female researchers and technologists from a range of disciplines who carry out their research, technological or science management work in public and private bodies and research centres in Spain. It aims to be a voice, discussion forum and support network for all women researchers and female members of the university community aware of the importance of working together to achieve the full participation of women in Research, Science and Technology.

ADITECH has belonged to the association since January 2019.

The Navarre Audiovisual Cluster -CLAVNA- is an organisation which aims to increase the competitiveness and quality of Navarre’s audiovisual companies, creating a strong, cohesive ecosystem.

In 2018 ADItech signed a collaboration agreement with CLAVNA with two main objectives: to detect and guide the technological needs which the members of CLAVNA might have and could be developed within SINAI, and to seek direct support in the industry to enhance SINAI’s communication capabilities and activity.

The EU proposed Digital Innovation Hubs as a key priority in the Digitising European Industry initiative adopted in April 2016. It promotes collaboration between the DIHs to create a network across the EU so that companies can access skills and equipment not available in the DIH in their region. This network will lead to the transfer of knowledge between regions and will be the basis for economies of scale and investment in the centres.
In 2016 ADItech managed to place Navarre on the DIHubs map through the European project BEinCPPS and the I4MS initiative. I4MS.

EFFRA is a European industry-driven association promoting the development of new, innovative industrial production technologies. The main objective of EFFRA is to promote precompetitive research in production technologies in collaboration with the European Commission. EFFRA currently consists of 150 European industrial and research entities actively involved in defining its research strategy, technological challenges and innovation agenda.
ADItech has united and represented the technological interests of AIN, NAITEC and LUREDERRA since 2016.

“We see ourselves as a knowledge-sharing platform, striving to accelerate innovation in different fields of society. Our spirit is in constant expansion: we believe that good ideas and enthusiasm are contagious. We defend societies engaged with their scientific advances, that care about knowledge as a crucial path to a better life on this planet.”

EUSEA is an international knowledge-sharing platform and accelerator of innovation in the fields of public engagement.

ADItech has been a member of EUSEA since 2017 and is actively involved in the association and its congresses.

Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) is a public foundation dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. FECYT was created in 2001 and works to strengthen the bond between science and society through actions that promote open and inclusive science, culture and scientific education, responding to the needs and challenges of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System.
ADItech has benefited since 2017 from the support of FECYT for the editions of SciencEkaitza which have been held.

Fedit is the Spanish Federation of Technology Centres. It was established in 1996 and since then has worked to encourage and drive Innovation, Technological Development and Private Research to increase the competitiveness of enterprises by strengthening Technology Centres.
ADItech has belonged to FEDIT since 2015 and represents CNTA, AIN, NAITEC and LUREDERRA.

The Navarre Film Library is the archive which specialises in cataloguing and conserving Navarre-related film documents, and making them available for consultation. Its functions include: recovering, preserving, restoring, documenting, cataloguing and safeguarding Navarre’s film heritage, and disseminating it by organising seasons or other film events on a non-profit basis, publishing it on any medium and all activities deemed appropriate to disseminate film culture.
ADItech and the Navarre Film Library have presented the Film and Science Season “Conocer y comprender” (Discover and understand) every year since 2017.

Fundación Navarra para la Excelencia promotes good management practices and Models of Excellence among all the organisations present in Navarre. Its objective is to improve the competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency of enterprises and organisations in Navarre, whatever their size and field of activity, by improving their management systems.
It works in coordination with individuals, businesses, institutions and organisations from different sectors to achieve results which can contribute to improving the level of well-being of Navarrese society through improved management.
ADITECH has been a patron of Fundación Navarra para la Excelencia since 2014.

The INAI-NBI (Instituto Navarro para la Igualdad/Nafarroako Berdintasunerako Institutua) works intensively so that through public policies emanating from the Government of Navarra real and effective Equality between women and men is achieved, benefiting all Navarrese society.
The transversal incorporation of the gender perspective in public policies and in the administration of the Autonomous Community of Navarra, as well as the strengthening of equal participation between women and men in decision-making, and the fight against violence against women they are fundamental responsibilities, commitments and tasks of this Institute.
ADItech has collaborated with the INAI-NBI since 2019.

The INKREASE project (INnovation and Knowledge for Regional Actions and SystEms) aims to improve innovation delivery policies and programmes intended to increase regional competitiveness by encouraging dialogue and collaboration between the business and research sectors.

The Government of Navarre’s Directorate General of Culture, Institución Príncipe de Viana, distinguishes those cultural initiatives considered to be of “social interest” in Navarre with the “MECNA Seal”. The aim is to identify these cultural initiatives of interest and establish a new public-private collaboration model to implement them. MECNA also recognises the commitment of citizens, the business world and society to the promotion and financing of culture, and offers tax incentives for such support.

SciencEkaitza has been a cultural initiative of social interest since 2018 and will initially be one until 2022, on a renewable basis.

The main objective of the Nanouptake project -Overcoming Barriers to Nanofluids Market Uptake (COST Action CA15119) aims to create a Europe-wide network of leading R&D and innovation institutions, and of key industries, to develop and foster the use of nanofluids as advanced heat transfer/thermal storage materials to increase the efficiency of heat exchange and storage systems.
Comprising more than 37 institutions from 21 different countries, the Nanouptake project began in October 2016. NAITEC and Corporación ADItech are active members of the working groups.

PortASAP (European network for the Promotion of Portable, Affordable and Simple Analytical Platforms) aims to create a European platform for the promotion of low-cost analytical devices without compromising ease of use and making them accessible to untrained personnel. Participants will work until completion of the project, scheduled for mid-2021, to establish a European roadmap to collect accurate information on the phases of design, manufacture and distribution of such devices.
This project, which currently relies on professionals from more than 27 organisations from 16 different European countries, has received funding from the European Union programme: COST action – collaboration agreement CA16215.

SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency) is a public-private European Commission instrument created to manage and maximise drive in technological development and innovation in Europe.
Corporación Tecnológica ADItech has been a research member of SPIRE, which aims to optimise industrial processes by reducing energy and water consumption, and minimising waste by developing supporting technologies and integration, demonstration and validation throughout the value chain, since 2015. ADItech’s active participation in this forum has been driven by the specific interest of the technology centres Ain, Naitec and Lurederra in these areas.