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Cooperation Agreement with Repsol Foundation for Boosting the Entrepreneurs Fund that supports innovative technology-based companies that promote efficiency and energy saving.

General Manager of ADItech Technological Corporation, Manuel Rodriguez, and Vice President of Repsol Foundation, César Gallo, in the presence of José Mª Ayensa as President of the ADItech Foundation in October 2014 signed a cooperation agreement whose main objective is to acomplish actions together designed to detect and promote of innovative technology-based business projects that offer advantages to the market in energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and energy savings.

With this initiative the interests of both entities are accomplished. Aditech will seek for projects that will be also supported by the Entrepreneur Fund and will also provide its expertise to value the proposed technology.

The Entrepreneurs Fund is a support program for technology based companies providing solutions in the field of efficiency and energy saving in its integrated chain from production to end use. The projects selected in 2014 will receive financial support between 6,000 euros and 12,000 euros per month during the incubation period (up to 24 months). They will have a team of tutors and they will receive not only training but also technological, legal and commercial advice. They are also provided with access to investors.

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