Coordinador del IRIS EDIH

ADItech is the coordinator of the IRIS EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub) of the Navarra Digital Innovation Hub. He is in charge of coordinating the European project and the consortium, made up of 23 entities, of dialogue with the European Commission and leads 3 of the 8 work packages.

IRIS EDIH offers specialized services in artificial intelligence, supercomputing and personalized precision medicine to companies and public entities, both at regional, national and European levels. IRIS EDIH offers, on a non-profit basis, infrastructure, skills, advice, training, talent attraction, spaces and services, to facilitate the innovation and digitalization of SMEs, the Administration and society.

All of this with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the industry, moving towards a greater degree of digitalization of public entities, and, ultimately, improving the well-being of society.

More information about IRIS EDIH:

ADItech also participates in the global governance of the IRIS Pole, collaborating with the Government of Navarra in: the management of the Pole, especially in the provision of advanced digitalization and innovation services; in the internationalization of the Pole, through monitoring and participation in various initiatives, networks and alliances at the European level; and in the establishment and coordination of collaborations with other EDIHs.

More information about the Navarra Digital Innovation Pole, IRIS:


  1. General coordination. Leader: ADItech
  2. Experimentation and Testing. Leader: AIN
  3. Access to financing. Leader: Chamber of Commerce of Navarra
  4. Innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. Leader: CEIN
  5. Training and Talent. Leader: UPNA
  6. Internationalization and Collaboration with other EDIHs. Leader: ADItech
  7. Personalized precision medicine. Leader: University of Navarra
  8. Communication. Leader: ADItech


Of the 34 member entities of the IRIS consortium, 22 also belong to the EDIH as providers of unique and complementary services to those commercially existing and aligned with the European Digital Program. These entities are, in addition to ADItech: Public University of Navarra (UPNA), University of Navarra, NAITEC, Nasertic, AIN, CEIN, INTIA, Dinabide, CNTA, Lurederra, CEN, Cámara Navarra, Itracasa (Tracasa), Nagrifood, ATANA, Functional Print, CITI and COIINA. There is also the collaboration of the Government of Navarra and Sodena, with the company Econet, and with 9 entities that appear as associates: Enercluster, Pamplona City Council, Uned, Clavna, IdAB-CSIC, Acan, Coit, CENER and Animsa.